Is it your dream to open your OWN fitness studio?

Are you CURIOUS about the exact steps to open a studio?

Are you OVERWHELMED about getting started?

Do you have FEARS that you could fail?

Do you need to know the ONE THING that you must answer before you open your own studio?


Hi. I’m Ashley Selman, the founder of Evolution Trainers, a 14,000 square foot personal training and sports performance studio. I founded Evolution 10 years ago, starting with six trainers. Within three months my business was profitable, and today I have a world-class team of more than 40 expert health and fitness professionals serving more than 500 clients. Over the past decade our revenue has increased over 500% and profits have grown year over year.
After opening three studios myself (all under very different circumstances) and owning and operating a highly profitable studio for over 10 years, I want to share my real world experience to help up and coming studio owners, like you, succeed.
Opening a studio is no small feat. It’s time consuming and expensive. Sadly most studios fail within the first two years. And if they don’t fail, the owner is often working 16-hour days and running their business on a shoestring budget worried about paying their rent each month. As I’ve learned, it’s not enough to be a great fitness professional. Launching and running a fitness studio requires a level of business acumen that most trainers haven’t had access to. But now you do.

Join my 5-week workshop and learn how to:

  • Get crystal clear on your vision and goals

  • Avoid costly mistakes

  • Negotiate effectively with real estate and finance professionals

  • Attract and retain your ideal staff and clients

  • Make smart choices about investments like design, layout, equipment, and supplies

  • Create a long-term, sustainable plan for how to grow the business

  • Get profitable more quickly

Armed with this knowledge, you can save countless hours and tens of thousands of dollars, while significantly increasing your opportunity to achieve financial freedom, manage your own time and have a business and lifestyle that you enjoy.

Evolutions Trainers Ashley Selman Business Coaching
Evolutions Trainers Ashley Selman Business Coaching
Evolutions Trainers Ashley Selman Business Coaching

Courtney Mambourg Business Coaching

"The thought of building a facility completely overwhelmed me.  Ashley did an amazing job breaking everything down in a doable step by step process. She comes from an extremely down to earth and humble approach with all of her valuable insight on building a facility. I cannot thank her enough for coaching and guiding me through this process! I now am the proud owner of my own, personal Dream Studio!"

Courtney Mambourg
Owner – Grit Fitness & Wellness
Clarksville, TN

Chris Rodousaki Evolutions Trainers Business Coaching

"From the moment I stepped into Ashley Selman’s workshop on Building your Dream Studio, I was totally blown away!  Despite having gone to business school and working alongside successful people all of the time, I never got advice that fit my situation so perfectly until I started working with Ashley.  Within just 3 months of working with Ashley, I increased revenue by 30% and I was able to purchase commercial space in one of DC’s most desirable neighborhoods! I’m still processing the magnitude of her influence and know she will be instrumental in helping me make ALIGN an international destination for fitness & continuing education!"

Chris Rodousakis
Owner – Align Fitness
Washington, DC

Brent Holcombe Business Coaching

"Ashley Selman’s Build Your Dream Studio program is the first and only program (to my knowledge) in the fitness industry that provides practical, step-by-step instructions on how to open and operate a successful fitness studio!  For the first time in my career, I feel like I have what it takes to successfully plan, open, and operate my own studio.  I’ve gained clarity, confidence and a plan of action. If you have aspirations of opening and operating your own fitness facility, do yourself a favor and invest in the Build Your Dream Studio program. You won’t regret it!!!”

Brent Holcombe
Owner – Clemson Health & Performance
Clemson, SC


Many up-and-coming studio owners are on a tight budget, but the most costly and naive mistake they make is NOT investing in business coaching and mentoring right from the start. There are so many important decisions and situations that you will come up against that you can’t even predict yet. Being armed with knowledge prior to facing them is a huge key to navigating these challenges successfully.
If you are thinking about opening your own studio, the investment in this coaching program will pay for itself many times over. Don’t shortchange your vision by thinking you can’t afford this program and that you can go it alone.  In fact, it’s just the opposite! 

Build Your Dream Studio

10-Week Coaching Program

Week 1: Your Why & Your Vision
Week 2: Your Business Model & Business Plan
Week 3: Money Matters – Know Your Numbers
Week 4: Build Your Dream Team
Week 5: Location, Lease Negotiations, Build-out and Decor
Week 6: Essential Revenue Streams for a Successful Studio
Week 7: Systems and Time Management
Week 8: Four Pillars of Marketing
Week 9: Building a Lifelong Community
Week 10: Your Personal Action Plan – Turning Your Dream into a Reality


Program Features

In the industry’s first ever 10-week coaching program, Ashley Selman presents all of the knowledge she’s gained from opening 3 studios in a step-by-step format. Learn from her biggest successes, scary failures and major lessons of her 20-year career. The program covers every critical step necessary to launching a successful fitness studio.


Direct email

A weekly email directly from Ashley, to give you an overview of each week and keep you on track with the program.

Lesson plans

A weekly 30 minute Audio lesson where Ashley will cover in detail each of the 10 critical steps to opening a studio.

Weekly assignments

Weekly assignments in your 10-week Program Workbook that will ensure you apply each critical step directly to your vision.

Action plan

An individual action plan that will get you on YOUR specific path to opening your Dream Studio!

Live coaching call

BONUS: Two 45 minute coaching calla with Ashley, to answer any of your critical questions and keep you on track to opening your own studio.